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Information to patients and visitors

If you are sick and need medical assistance, please contact your doctor/GP (fastlege), or the emergency room (legevakt), phone number 116 117 . The medical emergency line (113 ) is reserved for life threatening situations.

The Helgeland Hospital Trust/Helgelandssykehuset is a part of Regional Hospital Trust, Helse Nord. Our four primary tasks are treatment of patients, training of patients ​and next of kin, research and education of health personnel.

​​We have hospitals in Mo i Rana, Mosjøen and Sandnessjøen, as well as a health center in Brønnøysund. We also have psychiatric care and substance abuse treatment in these cities. 

Our clinics and departments

To our pa​​tients and​ visitors

  • If you are sick, call us first. 
  • Visitation only during visiting hours. Let the hospital staff know that you have arrived.

​​For information about your appointment at Helgelandssykehuset/ Helgeland Hospital Trust, call 75 66 00 00.

National online health services​​

National online health services​​

Everyone living in Norway is entitled to essential medical services. Find information about your rights, our digital health services and other selected topics at
You can call 815 55 015, or read more here:

Sist oppdatert 20.12.2023